
-------------------------Adjudged as the 'Best Blog' in 2010, by PRSI for "contributing to the development of PR literature"-------------------------

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Global Forum for Public Relations (India International Association for Values & Ethics in Public Relations) is an Initiative of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

Founded on 21st April 2006 with headquarters in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, it intends to promote public relations in association with Media Wing of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan and other PR professional organisations in India and other parts of the world with the support of Brahma Kumaris network.

Commitment to professional excellence of international standards, with 'Basic Human Values - Sathyam (Truth), Dharmam (Right Conduct), Shanti (Peace) and Prema (Love)' as to serve the cause of the society.

Achieving pre-eminent position for Public Relations as a strategic management function through the Golden Triangle of Professionalism, Ethics and Spirituality alongside a global network of skilled practitioners.

To create a deep awareness on the importance of Public Relations in Human Development.
To inculcate interest in Public Relations Practitioners to adopt Ethics and Values in the profession.
To raise the standards of Public Relations education and promote Research avenues for an ideal body of knowledge.
To introduce practical programmes for enrichment of Public Relations professionals for better Human Relations.
To help and assist Public Relations practitioners to create for themselves an atmosphere free from stress and tension.
To help and assist the existing Associations, Societies, Councils, Forums, Bodies for tangible solutions.
To organize periodical seminars, workshops, conferences, symposia, awareness programmes etc. on Public Relations.
To bring out/publish value based Public Relations literature, periodicals etc.
To establish charitable and spiritual educational institutions, libraries and reading rooms for Public Relations.
To adopt, promote and pursue all the objectives of Media Wing of Brahma Kumaris for promoting values, ethics and spirituality

The National Executive Council is headed by the President, Rajayogi Sri B K Karuna ji assisted by 3 National Vice Presidents, 1 Secretary General, 3 Joint Secretaries, 1 Secretary Treasurer and 1 Associate Treasurer and 12 Members. The National Executive Council functions under the guidance of its Founder Member, PR Celebrity, Dr CV Narasimha Reddi.

The three chapters namely Andhra Pradesh, Delhi & Mumbai are managed by Chapter Executive Councils consisting of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer and 4 members.

Organised 24 programs since its formation including 1 National conference and 1 Global Conference, apart from participating in Media Conferences of Brahma Kumaris at Mt Abu.

A. Golden Triangle
21st April 2007 conferred on Sri K Srinivasan, Founder & Chairman, Prime Point Foundation, Chennai.
21st April 2008 conferred on Sri Yogesh Joshi, President, Association of Business Communicators of India, Mumbai.

B. Spiritual Icon of Communication
18th July 2008 bestowed on Rajayogi Bro B K Karuna ji, Chief of Multi Media, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Mt Abu, Rajasthan

C. Lifetime Achievement
6th August 2008 bestowed on Dr C V Narasimha Reddi, Past National President, PRSI & Editor, Public Relations Voice, Hyderabad

Celebration of “National Public Relations Day” on 21st April and “National Public Relations Education Day” on 6th August every year in association with Public Relations Society of India and Association of Business Communicators of India and Prime Point Foundation etc

Regd Office: No. 282, HIG Phase-I, BHEL Township, Ramachandra Puram, Hyderabad, AP, India - 500032
Admv office: No. 401, Sanali Heavens, Behind Kamma Sangam, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, AP, India - 500016
Cell: 9396523400, 9396523401 & 9396523402, Email:, Website:

For further details
Y. Babji, National Vice President (Admn)
Global Forum for Public Relations
Cell: 9848812031, Email:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Events/Programs organised by Global Forum for Public Relations, so far ......

PR Education – A pre-requisite for PR profession

6th August 2008 at FAPCCI, Red Hills, Hyderabad

Chief Guest: Hon’ble Smt D Purandeswari, Union Minister of State, HRD

Guest of Honour: Gnan Peeth Awardee, Dr C Narayana Reddy,

Keynote Speaker: Sri Narendra Luther, Former Chief Secretary to Govt of AP

Celebration: Joint celebration of 75th Birthday & 50 years of service to PR of Dr CVNR by GFPR, PRSI, PRCI, ABCI, Prime Point Foundation, CVNPR Foundation and Indian PR fraternity

Award : “Lifetime Achievement Award” conferred on Dr CV Narasimha Reddi

Resolution: PRSI moved and the meeting adopted that 6th Aug be celebrated as National PR Education Day every year

The 75th Birthday and 50 years of service to PR of Dr CV Narasimha Reddi was celebrated on 6th August 2008 at Federation House, Red Hills, Hyderabad.

At the felicitation jointly organized by GFPR, PRSI, PRCI, ABCI, Prime Point Foundation & CVNPR Foundation, Global Forum conferred Dr CV Narasimha Reddi with “Lifetime Achievement Award” for Public Relations.

A resolution was moved by PRSI and was adopted by the congregation of 450 members that all those concerned will celebrate 6th August as “PR Education Day”, hereinafter,, while several PRSI chapters have already organized such programs on 6-8-08 itself.

The thirst of Dr Reddi for advancement of PR education in the country could not be quenched. He submitted a memorandum to the Chief Guest, Smt D Purandeswari, Union Minister of State, Human Resources Development. In the memorandum he said that UGC had earlier constituted an exclusive committee on PR studies that made several recommendations for launching PR courses and that the last recommendation was made by UGC in 2001. Therefore, he requested the Union Minister to give instructions to UGC to re-constitute the said committee for reviewing PR education in the country and make recommendations for launching PR courses by all Universities.

In response, the Minister assured that something tangible would be done for promotion of PR Education. The Minister in her address observed that "PR is not an easy job as everybody thinks. In PR language, even full stops and commas while writing; pause and gestures while talking, had a lot of significance" . Gnanpeeth Awardee Dr C Narayana Reddy who presided the function said that PR people are considered successful only when they do not displease others, do not trouble themselves but capable of convincing anybody in order to get their righteous objectives fulfilled.

"Ageing is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter" is a saying. At 75, Dr CVN Reddi is not minding his age.


Human Relations: The key to the effectiveness of Organisation

18th July 2008 at FAPCCI, Red Hills, Hyderabad

Chief Guest Sri G Vinod, Hon’ble Minister for Labour & Employment, Govt of AP

Award : “Spiritual Icon of Communication” conferred on Rajayogi BK Karuna

Felicitation to Sri Atluri Subba Rao & Sri Suraj Prasad Agarwal for being PR patrons


Role of Spirituality in Public Communication

18th June 2008 at Shanti Sarovar, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad

Speaker: Nalini Didi


National Media Dialogue & Retreat: Empowerment of Media through values

20th to 23rd May 2008 at Mount Abu


National Public Relations Day & GFPR Foundation Day – Joint Celebration with PRSI, FAPCCI & CVNPR Foundation

21st April, 2008 at FAPCCI, Red Hills, Hyderabad


1. “PR Messiah” Award to Farrok S Mullah posthumously to his daughter Jeroo Mullah by CVN PR Foundation

2. “Best PR Manager” Award to Y. Babji, PRO, APKVIB by Public Relations Society of India

3. “Corporate Social Responsibility” award to M/s Kesoram Cements by FAPCCI

4. “Golden Triangle” Award to Yogesh Joshi, National President, ABCI by Global Forum for Public Relations


Global Conference on 'Good Governance: Communication and Media Strategies'

8th and 9th March 2008 at FAPCCI, Red Hills, Hyderabad

The Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FAPCCI) became a nerve center of industrialists, business men, public relations practitioners, media representatives, students, Brahma Kumari brothers and sisters for a two day Global Conference on "Good Governance: Communication and Media Strategies" organized on March 8 and 9, 2008 in association with Global Forum for Public Relations (GFPR).

Unique Conference

This conference on Good Governance was a unique in the sense that there were many conferences in Hyderabad on Good Governance, but there was no conference like this in which good governance was discussed with communication and media strategies. Therefore, this is considered a conference with difference and that the credit goes to both FAPCCI and GFPR for organizing this conference. Another interesting feature of the conference has been the participation of delegates from United Kingdom and Iran.


If the inaugural address delivered by Sri G.Vinod, Minister for Labour and Employment, Government of Andhra Pradesh has set the tone for discussion on the theme of the conference, the valediction of the Minister for IT & Communication Sri R.Damodar Reddy, became a platform for presentation of FAPCCI- GFPR 7 point Declaration as conference resolutions.

In his exposition Sri Atluri Subba Rao, President, FAPCCI referred to the role of media in good governance and said the media globally had crossed a turnover of US 400 million dollars and continued to be a high growth sector. Sri Pariabe zadeh, Diplomat from Iranian Consulate said that media has a significant role to play in governance. Rajayogi, BK Karuna, Chief of Multimedia and Public Relations Brahmakumaris Mt.Abu and President GFPR in his blessing said change must begin within self so that such change could transform others. Meditation, he observed is the medicine for tension free life. Rajayogini B K Kuldeep Behanji, Director, BKs Shantisarovar Hyderabad administered meditation exercise.

Keynote Speakers

Among keynote speakers who presented papers included Narendra Luther former Chief Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Dr.T.Hanuman Chowdary, former Chairman, VSNL Ltd., Prof. Shanta Sinha, Megsaysay Award winner & Chairperson National Commission for Child Protection, Sri P.Upendra, former Union Minister for I&B, Nagesh Kumar, Deputy Editor, The Hindu, K.Srinivas Reddy, Member Press Council of India and Secretary General, Indian Journalists Union, A.Chandrasekhar Reddy, Press Secretary to Chief Minister, A Padmaja Shah, Head, Dept.of Communication & Journalism, Osmania University, MVVS Murthy, Deputy Director General, P I B, Yogesh Joshi, President, ABCI, B K Rachel from London, Dilip Kumar Director, Bhavan's College of Communication and Management.

Seven Point Declaration

Based on the keynote speeches, deliberations of participants, a Seven Point - FAPCCI - GFPR Declaration was presented as resolutions of the conference:

1. National Communication Policy must be evolved as to inform, educate, and motivate people from grassroots to the national level as partners in good governance.

2. Village Panchayats should be made nucleus for dissemination of public information as to cvoer 100 crore Indians instead of 30 crore people being reached in urban areas.

3. Effective implementation of Right to Information Act and Citizens Charter should be implemented in letter and spirit to meet citizens' information needs and improve public service delivery system.

4. Ethics and Spirituality should be made as part of good governance as Mahatma Gandhi used to say to mobilize spiritual resources of the people in the service of the common good of all. A pre-requisite for good governance is transformation of individual in the organization to reach its goal. This is possible only when the mind, the body and individual consciousness support the characteristics good governance.

5. Adoption of ITM Theory of Gandhian Public Communication with combination of traditional media with modern mass media as an ideal media strategy for our country. As Gandhiji made use of the media to mobilise public opinion against the British, the corporate India too must use interpersonal media, traditional folk media and modern mass media to educate both urban and rural people.

6. Though Women in India constitute 48 per cent of total population, they become neglected half in media as pointed by P.C.Joshi Committee. Known for harmony and persuasion, women must be given due representation both in communication system and media as motivators for good governance.

7. Evaluation and Feedback Information Mechanism must be institutionalized to assess the pulse and reactions of the public to the implementation of good governance and also to make midcourse corrections in policies and programmes of the government and corporate India.

Assurance on behalf of Government

The Minister for IT & Communication, Youth Services & Sports, Govt of AP, Sri R.Damodar Reddy assured that the Government would consider the resolutions and that efforts will be made to evolve a communication policy to reach the people at the grassroots level.


GFPR & FAPCCI hold a seminar on Communication Strategies

22th August, 2007 at Surana Auditorium, FAPCCI, Red Hills, Hyderabad

The Global Forum for Public Relations and the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry jointly held a seminar on Communication Strategies for Competitive Marketing Environment here in Hyderabad on August 22, 2007 at the Surana Auditorium, FAPCCI, Red Hills.

Eminent PR professionals and industrialists like Mr. Karunendra S Jasti, MD, Stypak Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad; Dr. C V Narasimha Reddi, Editor, PR Voice, Dr G C Banik, Principal, ICFAI National College, Mumbai and Mr. B G Sastry, Past President, FAPCCI, Hyderabad attended and spoke on the occasion. Mr Atluri Subba Rao, President and Mr Suraj Prasad Agarwal, Senior Vice President of FAPCCI attended the meeting as distinguished guests.

In his Presidential address Mr. Jasti, who represented the newly formed PR Committee of FAPCCI talked about FAPCCIs initiative in the field of Public Relations along with GFPR.

Guest of Honour, Dr. CV Narasimha Reddi spoke on the importance of corporates evolving an Integrated Action Plan for adopting measures for cost reduction as also achieving customer satisfaction. This must be followed by an Integrated Public Relations Strategy to address the Media, the customers and the employees, he opined.

In his keynote address, Dr GC Banik, Principal, ICFAI National College, Mumbai talked about the importance of Communication strategies for the corporates in areas of crisis management, customer & HR motivation, mergers & acquisitions and their overall mission and vision.

Mr. BG Sastry, past President of FAPCCI, who was the Chief Guest for the function said that Communication could be a very effective tool to propagate a companys commitment to the quality of service it provides both internally and externally.

Sister BK Sarala, Secretary General of GFPR welcomed the gathering while Ms Hemalatha, Secretary, FAPCCI proposed a vote of thanks to end the seminar that was interspersed with meditation experience Sister BK Nirmala of Shanti Sarovar, the Academy for Better World. Mr Y Babji, Vice President, GFPR anchored the program.


Seminar on Values and Challenges before Media

29th July, 2007 at Shanti Sarovar, Academy for a Better World, ISB Road, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad

"Challenges change but values must remain constant. Being the Fourth Estate (the other three being the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive), Contemporary Media bodies and individuals have to develop a positive thinking within themselves to justify themselves as the watchdog of democracy and to ensure social responsibility."

This above statement was the sentiment echoed by many a expert during a half-day Media Seminar on "Values & Challenges before Media", that was organized by the Media Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation & Brahma Kumaris, Shantisarovar at Hyderabad on Thursday, 29th July, 2007.

Speakers on the dais including Dr C V Narasimha Reddi, Director, Information & PR (Retd), Government of Andhra Pradesh, said that Media in country's pre-independence era, especially the print media, was patriotic and missionary in character. However, the present-day scenario depicts increasing incidence of vested interest, commercialism, consumerism, sensationalism, sensualism, yellow journalism, political patronage and bureaucratic interference.

Requesting the Media to evolve a 'Code of Conduct' for self, speakers opined that some degree of self-regulation on the part of the Media is highly desirable. The experts stressed that the character and content of the message being communicated to the public must be in consonance with the rich cultural heritage, values and ethos of the society. In this context, one of the speakers felt that Corporates running Media outfits must de-link their other businesses from Media and let it be an independent identity.

Talking on the importance of spirituality for the Media, Rajyogini Sister BK Kuldeep Ji, said, "The world is becoming a global village, but the distance between our lives is increasing day-by-day. Let us get together to bring about hearts closer through positive thinking and rise above the pulls and pressures of personal, professional and public life."

Rajyogi Brother B K Karuna, Chief of Multimedia & PR, President, Global Forum for Public Relations, Mt. Abu in his address stressed the importance of "Professionalism, Ethics and Spirituality" (The Golden Triangle) not only for journalists but also for professionals.

He emphasized the importance of the three words "Satyam, Shivam & "Sundaram" for the Media. "Satyam” Everybody wants to know the truth. "Shivam” The Benefaction and "Sundaram” The coverage of the truth has to be nice and beautiful. "And this is where spirituality or the beauty comes into picture," said Shri Karuna.

Sis. B K Sarala Anand, Manager PR, BHEL & Zonal Coordinator, Media Wing (A.P), Hyderabad proposed a vote of thanks to all the participants and distinguished speakers Dr. C V Narasimha Reddi, Mr. Krishna Chandra Mouli, Professor, Dept. of Advertising & Public Relations, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism, Bhopal; Mr. Nikunj, Media Coordinator, RERF, Mumbai; Mr. P J Sudhakar, Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Hyderabad; Mr. D Amar, Chairman, Press Academy, Govt. of AP, Hyderabad; Mr. K Srinivas Reddy, Secretary, All India Journalists Association, Hyderabad; Mr. Ravi Srivastava, Associate Editor, Hindi Milap, Hyderabad; Mr. P Venkateshwara Rao, Editor, Krishna Patrika, Hyderabad; Mr. Salman Ahmad, Asst. Professor, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur; Y. Babji, Faculty, (Public Relations), Dr BR Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad; Sis. B K Sheela, Rajyoga Teacher, Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad and Mr. P Upendra, Former Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting.


Visit a BK Center, a month

24th June 2007 at Brahma Kumaris Center, BHEL, Ramachandra Puram, Hyderabad

Global Forum for Public Relations as part of its programs visited Brahma Kumaris Centre at BHEL on 24th June 2007 at 11.30 AM. Dr CV Narasimha Reddi, Founding Member and Y Babji, Vice President (Admn & Programs) and Sis BK Sarala, Secretary General, GFPR addressed BK Brothers and Sisters in the presence of Sister BK Sakunthala, incharge of BHEL Centre.

Dr CVN Reddi told the gathering that he is attracted to Bkism for all the good values inbuilt into it. He further said that Brahma Kumaris are good communicators both by speaking good words and by being good listeners. Y. Babji said that all Brahma Kumaris are PR practitioners by nature. Sister Sarala stressed the importance of sharpening their communication skills by Brothers and Sisters through interaction with PR professionals.

Sister Sakunthala, incharge of BHEL centre felicitated the Founding Member, the Vice President and the Secretary General of GFPR for their adoption of values and ethics into PR profession.


Colloquium on Mergers & Acquisitions - Challenges for Corporate Communications

16th June, 2007 at KLN Prasad Auditorium, FAPCCI, Red Hills, Hyderabad

Global Forum for Public Relations and Media Wing of Brahma Kumaris jointly organized a colloquium on 'Mergers and Acquisitions - Challenges for Corporate Communication' in association with Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry at 6 pm on 16th June 2007 at KLN Prasad Auditorium, FAPCCI Building, Red Hills, Hyderabad.

Sri Yogesh Joshi, President, Association of Business Communicators of India, Mumbai while delivering his keynote address focused his attention on the values and value that is being given importance before and after mergers and acquisitions.

Sri Mathew Joseph, Dy General Manager, Public Relations, Andhra Bank, Hyderabad pointed out the socio-economic incompatibility among the work force when mergers and acquisitions take place

Dr CV Narasimha Reddi, Editor, PR Voice touched upon various disadvantages and advantages consequent to mergers and acquisitions and quoted the example of Telangana region being still backward for the reason that even after merger there exist a cultural imbalance.

Sri Atluri Subba Rao, President of FAPCCI in his presidential address observed that mergers and acquisitions are the order of the day and these things shall happen for the good of the industry, commerce and the over all economic development of the society.

Sri Y. Babji, Vice President (Admn & Programs) conducted the proceedings while Smt BK Sarala Anand, Secretary; GFPR welcomed the gathering and Rajayogini BK Sudha Behn incharge of Alwal Centre of Brahma Kumaris administered meditation experience.


Foundation Day & National PR Day Celebrations

21st, April 2007 at Surana Auditorium, FAPCCI, Hyderabad

Golden Triangle Award : Conferred on Sri K Srinivasan, Chairman, Prime Point Foundation, Chennai

Global Forum for Public Relations celebrated its foundation day & national PR day from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm on 21st April 2001 at Surana Auditorium, FAPCCI, Red Hills, Hyderabad

Dr T Hanuman Choudhary, former IT Adviser, Govt of AP attended as Chief Guest and delivered his keynote address on 'achieving excellence in public relations through I T intervention' - the theme of national public relations day.

Rajayogi, BK Karuna bhai, Chief of Multi-media, Brahmakumaris administered spiritual inspirations on the occasion. Dr CV Narasimha Reddi, Founding Member of GFPR talked on the importance of National PR Day.

Global Forum for Public Relations conferred 'Golden Triangle award for pioneering Online Public Relations' to K Srinivasan, Chairman of Prime Point Foundation, Chennai in recognition of his services for the cause of Public Relations through IT new media.

Sri M Pramoda Rao, Chairman, PRSI, Hyderabad Chapter and Smt R Rajeswari Iyer, Chairperson of PRCI, Hyderabad Chapter were felicitated by GFPR on the occasion of National PR Day.

M/s Atluri Subba Rao, Sr Vice President FAPCCI, A Chandra Sekhar Reddy, Press Secretary to Hon’ble CM of AP and Madhavi, the winner of FAPCCIs best Woman Entrepreneur award attended as Guests of Honour.

Smt BK Sarala Anand, Secretary, GFPR welcomed the gathering and Sri Y. Babji, Convener-Programs, GFPR proposed vote of thanks.

Earlier, during lecture session, Sri Krishna Baji, Manager, Corporate Relations, KSK Energies spoke on 'Corporate identity and image'; Sri K Srinivasan, Chairman, Prime Point Foundation, Chennai spoke on 'PR and Social Media' and Dr PJ Sudhakar, Director (News), Doordarshan Kendra, Hyderabad spoke on 'Corporate Social Responsibility'


Special Talk on 'Corporate Social Responsibility' by Rajyogi BK Ramesh N Shah, Mumbai

26th, March 2007 at Press Club, Somajiguda, Hyderabad

Global Forum for Public Relations organized a special talk on 'Corporate Social Responsibility' on 26th March 2007 at 5.30 PM at Press Club, Somaji Guda, Hyderabad

Rajayogi BK Ramesh N Shah, Trustee, World Renewal Spiritual Trust & Chairman, Jurists Wing, Brahma Kumaris addressed the gathering. Rajayogini BK Usha Behn, Chairman, Cultural Wing, Brahma Kumaris organized meditation.

Smt BK Sarala Anand, Secretary, GFPR welcomed the gathering and Sri Y. Babji, Convener-Programs, GFPR proposed vote of thanks.


Special Talk on 'Corporate Governance & Ethical Perspective' by Rajyogini BK Meera, Malaysia

21st, March 2007 at Press Club, Somajiguda, Hyderabad

Global Forum for Public Relations organized a special talk on 'Corporate Governance and Ethical perspective' on 21st March 2007 at 5.30 PM at Press Club, Somaji Guda, Hyderabad

Sister BK Meera, Director, South East Asia, Brahmakumaris delivered keynote address on the subject. Dr CV Narasimha Reddi presided over the program.

Dr PJ Sudhakar, Vice President of GFPR welcomed the gathering and Sister BK Sarala Anand, Secretary, GFPR proposed vote of thanks.


Special Talk on 'Values & Ethics in Corporate Communication' by Rajyogini BK Denise Lawrence, Mt Abu

26th, Dec, 2006 at Nagarjuna Centre, Nagarjuna Hills, Hyderabad

Global Forum for Public Relations organized a special talk on 'Restoration of spiritual values -need of the hour' on 26th December 2006 at 5.30 PM at Nagarjuna Management Center, Nagarjuna Hills, Hyderabad Mt. Abu. Sis. Denise addressed a gathering of PR Professionals and Brahmakumaris on 'Values & Ethics in Corporate Communication' at a function organized by Global Forum for Public Relations on Sunday at Nagarjuna Management Center, Hyderabad. She said that the root cause of any ills was the general spiritual depletion and the need of the hour was to restore spiritual component of a human being and the source of spiritual strength. Such an environment will enable us to integrate the power of spirituality into our social, professional, communication and family approach she added.

We live in a highly materialistic world, which compromises and contaminates our life style. The power of materialism has eroded the natural spiritual strength and people are unable to resist corruption, temptation and a variety of addictions said Sis. Denise Lawrence,(UK) Adviser, Academic Affairs, and International Representative for Public Relations of Brahmakumaris,

Dr. CV Narasimha Reddi, who attended as the Chief Guest observed that Corporate Ethics and Public Relations Ethics should go hand in hand in gaining organizational credibility. Sis BK Sakuntala behn conducted a Meditation Experience as part of the function.

Sis. BK Sarala Anand, Dy. Manager, HRD&PR, BHEL and Secretary, Global Forum for Public Relations welcomed the gathering said that Global Forum for Public Relations has been established to support the Public Relations Profession with Values and Ethics. Sri Y. Babji, Convener of GFPR & PRO, AP Khadi & Village Industries Board proposed vote of thanks.


National Conference on Professionalism, Values & Ethics in Public Relations

11th & 12th November 2006 at Shanti Sarovar-Academy for a Better World, Gachchibowli, Hyderabad

A two-day national conference on 'Professionalism and Ethics in Public Relations' was inaugurated on 11th November by Dr (Smt) VS Rama Devi, former Governor, Karnataka. The Speaker of AP Legislative Assembly, Mr K R Suresh Reddy attended as the Chief Guest at the valedictory session on 12th November, where Shanti Sarovar conference declaration on Golden Triangle - Professionalism, Ethics and Spirituality in public relations towards peace and prosperity was presented.

Organized by the Global Forum for Public Relations (India International Association for Values & Ethics in PR), Hyderabad for values and ethics in public relations profession, the conference was held at Shanti Sarovar, the Brahma Kumaris southern headquarters, Gachi Bowli, Hyderabad. PR, Media, Advertising, Marketing, HRD, Tourism & Management professionals; Students of PR, Journalism & Communication and also Academicians attended this conference as honorary delegates.

Topics that were discussed include; Professionalism; Evolution of PR in India; PR Education, Training & Research; Accreditation and code of conduct for PR practitioners; Impact of globalization and information revolution and Corporate Communications etc.

Notables that attended this conference are Justice Sri V Eswaraiah, Judge, AP High Court; Cine Director Sri K Viswanath; Dr Ajit Pathak, National President, PRSI; Sri M B Jayaram, Chairman, Governing Council, PRCI; Dr T Hanuman Choudhary, Former IT Advisor to Govt of AP; Sri M Gopala Krishna IAS Retd., former Spl Chief Secretary to Govt of AP; Dr GC Banik, CGM - CC of VSNL; Dr CV Narasimha Reddi, Editor PR Voice and others attended and spoke on various topics in business sessions.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Ethics in PR - Influence of Mass Media

Y. Babji
presented at the PR Group Dialogue of
National Media Conference
Mt Abu, 22nd to 26th May 2008

PR has graduated from the rudimentary practices like courtesies, etiquettes and common sense. Stripped to its originality, PR is nothing but 'presentation of facts'. At the turn of 20th century the practices like 'spin doctors', 'pr ploy', 'lobbying', 'pr maneuver', 'pr effort', and 'press agentry' etc have now come to stay as a full-fledged PR profession practiced as a specialized, tactical and strategic management function.

Every full time profession, every full fledged profession will have to have ethics and along with etchis the 'ethics police' too will emerge. Every minute of the day, every day of the year, this ethics police will keep a watch while the PR profession faces the challenges like (1) Misleading information (2) Influence of management action (3) Promotion of inferior product or service (4) various discriminations that are inevitable (5) political influence etc

Against the challenges, what is ethics? who formulates ethical codes? the definition of ethics itself differ from person to person, place to place. According to Josephson Instt., ethics is defined as "Standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on normal duties and virtues" It means the ethical standards of conduct are determined by one's own personal decision, by the employer, by the profession and by the very society.

Traditionally, ethical systems have been categorized into 3 main categories.

I. Ethics based on results-oriented approach like
a. The suggestion that PR should serve the public interests
b. making choices not based solely on financial considerations

II. Ethics based on duty or humanitarian approach like
a. choosing not to disseminate false information because that would constitute an act of lying which is wrong

III. Ethics based on decisions taken on a case-by-case basis like
a. choosing not to comment to the press when releasing the information could result in considerable harm to one's client or the public.

What I mean to say is, as the profession advances, as and when it changes its course, the ethical values too change. The advancement of any profession or its change of course is largely dependent on Mass Media. As Media develops, the ethics get altered in every profession. It has a direct bearing on PR profession.

Let us see the growth of Mass Media and how it is classified
1. Printing from 1740
2. Recording devices from 1800
3. Cinema from 1900
4. Radio from 1910
5. Television from 1950
6. Internet from 1990
7. Mobile from 2000

No.1 is print medium. No. 2 & 3 are electronic media. No. 4 & 5 are broadcast media. No. 6 & 7 are digital media. Mobile telephone is named as 7th Mass Media. What TV is to Radio, Mobile phone is to Internet. Social Scientists and Researchers are afraid that Mobile Phone has become a powerful mass medium to redefine values and ethics in the very society.

With the above, I initiate discussion for the group dialogue No.5 on "Values, Ethics & Spirituality in Public Relations"

Monday, May 05, 2008

National PR Day (21st April 2008) With a difference

Dr, C.V. Narasimha Reddi

Editor, Public Relations Voice

The National Public Relations Day, which is the red-letter day for public relations practitioners, was celebrated with great fervor and gaiety at the Federation House in Hyderabad on April 21, when the Hon’ble Minister for Information and Public Relations Mr. Anam Ramnarayana Reddy was the Chief Guest. It was unique in the sense that for the first time in the history of public relations in Andhra Pradesh that the day was jointly celebrated by three professional bodies – namely Public Relations Society of India, Hyderabad Chapter, the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Global Forum for Public Relations, Hyderabad. The theme of the conference was ‘Right to Information: Strengthening of Indian Democracy.

The Minister for Information and Public Relations Mr. Anam Narayana Reddy in his address said the Right to Information Act was making the common man a partner in good governance and development process. He observed that Andhra Pradesh became a role model in the implementation of Right to Information Act and said that public relations professional bodies and public relations professionals must take the message of Right to Information to the grassroots.

In a message the FAPCCI President, Mr. Atluri Subba Rao greeted public relations professionals on the eve of National Public Relations Day and said that they should strive in strengthening our vibrant and largest democracy in the world by empowering people with useful information.

Chief Information Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh State Information Commission in his keynote address on the theme felt that there should be greater coordination between the public information officers under the Right to Information Act and public relations officers of various public authorities in disseminating information of various government and public sector organizations to the masses at large. Such integrated approach will create a well-informed citizenry in sustaining good governance and a vibrant democracy.

As many as 1.8 lakh public information officers are involved in Andhra Pradesh in providing an easy access to the public about public information, the Chief Information Commissioner said.

Earlier Dr. C.V. Narasimha Reddi, Editor, Public Relations Voice explained the importance of National Public Relations Day and asked public relations professionals to rededicate themselves to the cause of professional excellence. Public relations in India had passed through the stages of

1. Propaganda (1500 BC. 1858AD)

2. The Era of Publicity (British India 1858-1919)

3. The Gandhian Era of Public Communication (freedom Struggle 1919-1947)

4. The Age of Public Relations Independent India 1947-1991)

With the introduction of New Industrial Policy, Dr. Reddi said Indian
Public Relations entered global perspective with multi-national companies. Referring to the State - of - the – Art public relations Narasimha Reddi has pointed out that public relations profession in India had grown quantitatively and that it is yet grow qualitatively. Therefore he said that public relations education, in service training, evaluation are some of the measures if taken up public relations in India would not only became professional but also help the country in growing as world’s second biggest economy.

Rajayogi B K Karuna. Chief of Multimedia, Brahma Kumaris and President, Global Forum for Public Relations, said that 2008 would be a year of challenge for public relations professionals to prove their proficiency in the socio-economic development of the country. He announced that a Media Dialogue cum Retreat with the theme Empowerment of Media through values would be held at Mount Abu the Headquarters of Praja Pita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya from May 22-26, 2008. Ethics, Spirituality and Professionalism in Public Relations will be discussed on May 23 as part of the media dialogue.


Five Awards were presented by the Minister as mark of recognition of the talent of different public relations professionals.

(1) The Public Relations Messiah Award was given posthumously to Farrok S. Mulla, the founder President of Public Relations Society of India that was sponsored by Public Relations Voice.

(2) The FAPCCI Award for Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility was presented to Kesoram Cements for adopting 12 villages as part of rural development.

(3) Dr. C.V. Narasimha Reddi Award for Best PR Manager was presented to Y Babji, PRO, Andhra Pradesh Khadi and Village Industries Board, Hyderabad

(4) The Golden Triangle Award instituted by GFPR was given to Yogesh Joshi, President, ABCI, Mumbai.

(5) The PRSI Special Recognition in organizing abilities was presented to N L Narasimha Rao, past National Vice-President, PRSI.

Earlier M.Pramoda Rao, Chairman, PRSI, Hyderabad Chapter welcomed the gathering while BK Sarala Anand, Secretary General, GFPR proposed a vote of thanks.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What is 'Good Governance'?

Paper presented at the Global Conference on Good Governance jointly organized by FAPCCI & GFPR on 8th & 9th March 2008 at Hyderabad by Y. Babji, Research Scholar

1. Governance

The concept of “governance” is not new. It is as old as human civilization. Simply put “governance” means: the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented. Governance can be used in several contexts such as corporate governance, international governance, national governance and local governance.

Since governance is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented, an analysis of governance focuses on the formal and informal actors involved in decision making and implementing the decisions made and the formal and informal structures that have been set in place to arrive at and implement the decision. Government is one of the actors in governance. Other actors involved in governance vary depending on the level of government that is under discussion. In rural areas, for example, other actors may include influential land lords, associations of peasant farmers, cooperatives, NGOs, research institutes, religious leaders, finance institutions political parties, the military etc. The situation in urban areas is much more complex. Figure 1 provides the interconnections between actors involved in urban governance. At the national level, in addition to the above actors, media, lobbyists, international donors, multi-national corporations, etc. may play a role in decision making or in influencing the decision making process.

All actors other than government and the military are grouped together as part of the “civil society”. In some countries in addition to the civil society, organized crime syndicates also influence decision making, particularly in urban areas and at the national level.

Similarly formal government structures are one means by which decisions are arrived at and implemented. At the national level, informal decision making structures, such as “kitchen cabinets” or informal advisors may exist. In urban areas, organized crime syndicates such as the “land Mafia” may influence decision-making. In some rural areas locally powerful families may make or influence decision-making. Such, informal decision making is often the result of corrupt practices or leads to corrupt practices.

2. Good Governance

The terms governance and good governance are increasingly being used in development literature. Governance describes the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Hereby, public institutions conduct public affairs, manage public resources, and guarantee the realization of human rights. Good governance accomplishes this in a manner essentially free of abuse and corruption, and with due regard for the rule of law.

Good governance defines an ideal, which is difficult to achieve in its totality. However, to ensure sustainable human development, actions must be taken to work towards this ideal. Major donors and international financial institutions, like the IMF or World Bank, are increasingly basing their aid and loans on the condition that reforms ensuring good governance are undertaken.

Good governance can be understood as a set of 8 major characteristics: These characteristics assure that Corruption is minimized, The views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision making

1. Participation

Participation by both men and women. Participation could be either direct or through legitimate intermediate

institutions or representatives. Participation also means freedom of association and expression on the one hand

and an organized civil society on the other hand.

2. Rule of law

Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are enforced impartially. Full protection of human rights,

particularly those of minorities. It also means independent judiciary and an impartial and incorruptible police force.

3. Transparency

Decisions taken and their enforcement are done in a manner that follows rules and regulations. Information is

freely available and directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement


Institutions and processes try to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.

5. Consensus orientation

Need of mediation of the different interests in society to reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the best interest of the whole community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a long-term perspective for sustainable human development and how to achieve the goals of such development.

Equity and inclusiveness

Ensuring that all members of society feel that they have a stake in it and do not feel excluded from the mainstream. This requires all groups, and especially the most vulnerable to have opportunities to maintain or improve their well being.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources at their disposal. It also means sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.


Governmental institutions as well as the private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable to the public and to their institutional stakeholders.

In general organizations and institutions are accountable to those who will be affected by decisions or actions.

3. Good governance agenda

In the last few years issues of good governance have been receiving considerable attention in political discourse in India. In fact, the term good governance is used so widely now that it is coming to replace in popularity that other buzzword of the Eighties and the Nineties, civil society. A set of strategies to achieve good governance is being put forward by international lending agencies such as the World Bank as also by our own government. Andhra Pradesh has even agreed to set up a center for good governance to guide reforms in the State and train officials.

It is claimed that reforms could help to lift developing countries like India out of the morass of problems in which they have been stagnating. The kind of problems generally identified would include bureaucratic delays and inefficiency, corruption, poor quality pubic services and a judicial system, which is collapsing under the weight of archaic procedures and a huge backlog of cases. Not state can afford to be less than efficient in a globalising environment, it is maintained, and good governance is a necessary condition for attracting capital and maintaining stable growth. Political leaders talk glibly now about the need for the state to ‘steer, not row’, the need to ‘slim down’ the state and encourage private capital initiatives, and the need to build capabilities rather than redistribute wealth.

This rhetoric bears a close resemblance to what has been heard during the Clinton and Blair administrations in the United States and Britain. But in those countries it provoked a great deal of debate in which political parties and intellectuals participated. In India on the other hand, the tendency has been to accept it as a form of received wisdom and there has been relatively little public debate about the ideology and assumptions, which lie behind the reform package, let alone the reforms themselves. Given the far-reaching nature of the changes being introduced, such complacency could be dangerous.

Reforms package

The package of reforms, which is being presented as necessary for good governance, forms part of the wider agenda of economic reforms and liberalization. Neo-liberal reforms demand that the state withdraw from some of the responsibilities undertaken in response to social democratic and welfarist objectives. The state should not attempt politically to manage economy and society and guarantee welfare but it would remain the primary provider of social goods like health, education and security. It would also need to provide adequate material infrastructure to attract capital and promote economic growth. To fulfill these responsibilities, the State should act in partnership with interests in civil society and the non-governmental sector, involving them wherever appropriate in decision-making and implementation. The corporate world has acquired an image of sleek efficiency and rationality and the media today is projecting corporate manager as the embodiment of wisdom. We seem to have moved from a belief in the generalist administrator to belief in the versatile manager who can tune his/her skills to a variety of tasks ranging from building airports, education or garbage disposal.

To streamline public administration, reformers advocate the incorporation, wherever possible, of some of the values and techniques of corporate management – the profitability criteria, cost-benefit analysis and economic rationality. The emphasis is not so much on achieving an egalitarian society but on developing individual capabilities. This could sometimes mean changing the nature of the social goods provided. For instance, if economic rationality is applied to services such as education or health care, targets would have to be redefined in terms of increasing productivity, or providing supply of skilled manpower for needs defined by the market. In India we are already beginning to see the results of such analysis. In addition, apart from streamlining public administration, some tasks could be contracted out, or shared with private bodies, or privatized.


Since greater accountability is claimed as one of the advantages of good governance, how would this be ensured? Traditionally, in a parliamentary system, political accountability of the executive is to the voters through elected assemblies. Administrative and legal accountability of the executive branch is through administrative procedures and the law courts. But if decision- making and implementation is now to be shared with private interests it may become difficult to fix political responsibility. Following the new Anglo-American model some State Governments in India have adopted a stakeholder approach according to which the corporations which provide public services would be held responsible to their end users, or consumers, provided of course they pay for the services. Citizens should get the rights appropriate to consumers. This would include right to information, the right to demand quality services, the right to approach consumer courts, and the right to be consulted on important decisions. How effective these rights would be remains to be seen since some services are likely to remain monopolies.

Untidy political negotiations

Reformers are never tired of proclaiming their faith in democracy but the thrust of the managerial turn in public administration is likely to be away from widening the area of democratic participation. Untidy political negotiations are seen as a possible source of corruption and a diversion from economic rationality. The good governance project is essentially executive-led and political accountability is limited. It is not a mere coincidence that Andhra Pradesh has had reservations about the panchayat system or that in Karnataka legislators and corporators have been complaining about being excluded from the many task forces which are being set up. Some of the fault no doubt lies with political parties that have not taken up the issues seriously except for opposing particular decisions for populist reasons. Raising important issues seems to have become the responsibility of NGOs and social movements but their influence on political parties is limited.

The reforms represent a new orientation towards State and society according to which the notion of collective welfare and a shared identity as citizens will be replaced by a more individualistic ethos. The State will, at best, try to help individuals cope with the vagaries of the market but it will no longer guarantee minimum standards. Some of the changes that are taking place may be inevitable, some may also be desirable, but in either case they raise many important issues, which deserve serious debate.

4. Good Governance – a Recipe

Narendra Modi’s resounding success in Gujarat proves the point that voters care for good governance and a dedicated leader trying his best to weed out corruption. We have many totally honest leaders like the prime minister, chief ministers of West Bengal and Orissa, but they have not tried enough to push for good governance. It is high time good governance is given a national priority.

Governance or institutional security is an important component of economic security. An Economy with high transaction costs is not efficient, and lack of efficiency means erosion of competitiveness. High transaction costs are not just a production issue; it’s a distribution issue as well. Poor governance will result in the poor management of crucial policy interventions in poverty reduction and social development.

In comparison with other major emerging and industrialized economies, India scores poorly in institutional security. A few indicators illustrate this point. It takes four years to enforce a contract in India, more than three times that of China and more than twice that of Brazil. Transparent and efficient enforcement of contracts is a key ingredient of institutional support to economic activity and efficient transfer of goods and services. In terms of property registration, an essential element of the business environment, India’s performance is poor. It taken 50 days to register a property as compared to less than 30 days in China, and less than 10 days in the United States and Thailand. Average cost of a business start-up is over 60 percent of per capita income, much higher than any of the comparator countries.

Transport and electricity costs due to poor regulatory environment are transaction costs to all sectors that use these inputs. India has the highest cost of electricity among major industrialized and emerging economies ($0.8 per kwh for industry as against $0.1 kwh in China), result of the highest transmission and distribution losses in the world, or in other words a quarter of the gross electricity output. Transport costs are very high in India. It accounts for 25% of total import costs as against only 10% in comparator countries. This does not augur well for India’s competitiveness. Besides poor infrastructure, the problem squarely lies with the regulatory environment for roads where the state governments issue the operator licenses; control the routes, time of operation and the fees. These arrangements are easily susceptible to rent seeking.

5. What Chidambaram & Kofi Annan say?

Speaking during the presentation of the budget for 2008-09, Chidambaram said “Two thousand years ago Saint Tiruvalluvar set the benchmark for good governance in the following immortal words: (Generous grants, compassion, righteous rule and succour to the downtrodden are the hallmarks of good governance.)”

Kofi Annan (The Ghanaian Diplomat, 7th Secretary General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 2001) says, “Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance”.

6. IMF’s View

The IMF places great emphasis on good governance when providing policy advice, financial support and technical assistance to its member countries. It promotes good governance by helping countries ensure the rule of law, improve the efficiency and accountability of their public sectors, and tackle corruption.

The term governance, as generally used, encompasses all aspects of the way a country is governed, including its economic policies and regulatory framework. Corruption is a narrower concept, which is often defined as the abuse of public authority or trust for private benefit. The two concepts are closely linked: an environment characterized by poor governance offers greater incentives and more scope for corruption. Many of the causes of corruption are economic in nature, and so are its consequences – poor governance clearly is detrimental to economic activity and welfare. Because of their economic nature, issues related to governance and corruption often fall directly within the mandate and expertise of the IMF.

7. The new Right: The Right to good Governance

“Citizens have several rights specifically enumerated in the Indian Constitution. They have the right to equality, freedom of speech, right to life and liberty and now right to education of children. Founding fathers of the constitution debated over these rights and now these are part of Constitution. But one area, which did not receive the attention initially, was the citizen’s right to ‘Good Governance’. Effective implementation of Constitutional rights is vital to provide meaning and substance to the written words and vision of our Constitution makers,” said B.K. Chaturvedi, the then Cabinet Secretary in August 2005.

By the foregoing it can be said that good governance also means caring for the governed and judiciously managing the affairs of governance, by all means and by all those who rule. Good Governance is the buzzword, a mantra of management, a recipe, a new right, a hallmark and the Order of the Day.


1.United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific


3.The Hindu, 31st July 2001 – Good Governance agenda

4.The Financial Express, 3rd March 2008 – Good Governance must be recipe for 2008

5.Budget Session of the Parliament

6.International Monetary Fund

7.The Indian Express, 25th August 2005 – The new right: The right to good governance