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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

21: Introduction to Event Management






LESSON – 1: Introduction to Event Management



1.                  Learn the importance of Event management

2.                  Understand the various event management opportunities

3.                  Know the various resources that help to manage events

4.                  Learn how to apply requirements based on events

5.                  Know how to use PR & social media tools to get best results


In the course of time, for an event, managing everything by a single person or an organization has become difficult for want of time and resources. Every event has its exclusiveness and importance.  One rule may not apply to another. We would have witnessed different events in our neighbourhood or in public places. Each event has its own outlook and needs. It is important to know, understand and equip oneself to cater to various requirements of events and plan appropriately.  Event can be a public event, a community event or a personal event. Whatever the event is, the planning and execution differs from event to event. Events are always combined with Marketing, Branding, PR and Advertising. Any Event organised has to catch the attention of the public at large or the target audience. Therefore, making the event more visible and heard has to use all of these largely, inevitably.

This lesson will give you an understanding of the event management and its nitty-gritties. In the course of discussion, we will also see how the events are perceived by individuals, groups or companies. We will also see how PR can help manage events smoothly. Planning, budgeting, organising and marketing the events of all sorts is Event Management and it has become an Industry now i.e. Events Industry.

Let us discuss the business of event management, what is important to be remembered while conducting an event? who are the target audience? how to pool resources? and what expertise is expected out of the event management company?

Description of Event

An event is a planned and organized occurrence, such as a conference, festival, ceremony, or celebration, which brings people together for a specific purpose or experience.

Event is an exclusive programme organised to highlight the importance of the date, person, place or launch of a product or service. It requires meticulous planning, customised resources, blue print of activities, number of human resources, details of audiences, good research, quality check and implementation.

In any event management, planning is the key. Without planning nothing can be done.

Event Management is the process of planning and executing a set of programmes with meticulous resources in hand, based on client’s requirement. Events can be corporate programmes like conferences, seminars, employee activities, etc, Events can be recreation activities for children and adults, marriages, launch of audio releases, announcements of a movie release, promotional activities, baby shower, picnics, tours to name a few.

The difference between event planning and event management is that while event planning concerns itself with coming up with workable event ideas and the activities that will take place during the events, event management leans more towards project management and deals with the organization and execution of the event plans. However, the roles repeat itself often, and event managers may be involved with the creative planning aspects of the events as well.

Origin and History of Events

The origin of events dates back to ancient times, with evidence of festivals, ceremonies, and gatherings in various cultures:

  • Religious festivals and ceremonies, like the Festival of Osiris were celebrated in Ancient Egypt around 2500 BCE:
  • Olympic Games, theatre performances, and philosophical discussions in Ancient Greece around 500 BCE.
  • Public spectacles, gladiatorial games, and festivals like Saturnalia in Ancient Rome around 100 BCE:
  • Religious events, pilgrimages, festivals, and ceremonies have been an integral part of various religions, such as the Hajj in Islam, the Jewish Passover, and the Christian Easter.

The origin and history of event management in India can be traced back to these milestones:

  • Ancient India: Religious festivals and ceremonies, such as the Kumbh Mela, were managed and organized with large crowds and logistics.
  • Mughal Era: Lavish weddings, festivals, and events were hosted and managed by the royal court.
  • Pre-Independence: British colonial events like horse races, polo matches, and balls were managed by event teams.
  • Post-Independence: India hosted international events like the Asian Games in 1951 and 1982 and the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in 1983), requiring professional event management.
  • In 1980s-1990s Event management emerged as a distinct profession, with companies like Wizcraft and EEMA (Event and Entertainment Management Association) leading the way.
  • In 2000s India hosted large-scale events like the Indian Premier League in 2008 and the Commonwealth Games in 2010, boosting the event management industry, further.
  • Presently, India's event management industry is valued at over INR 50,000 crores that is approximately USD 7 billion and continues to grow rapidly.

The modern Events Industry has grown significantly, with advancements in technology and marketing, to become a significant sector in the global economy. Today, there are approximately 30,000 event management companies in India. However, the number of registered event managers is not publicly disclosed. Advertising Agencies and PR Agencies also undertake the task of managing the events as part of their business activities.

Nature of events:

For established companies and new companies, event management is an important aspect of their marketing strategy. Organizing small-scale or large-scale events can help promote a brand and further their business interests. Events will create opportunities for people who attend the events to learn about the products and services of the host organization and may even convert attendees into loyal customers at later stages.

First, one must fully understand what is the interest in any of these special occasions. Based on that one can plan a check list of what all goes in, to make it successful. All events are result oriented. Understanding the nature of events will help in recruiting manpower, outsourcing other resources and logistics. Public events are normally massive in size. e.g., rallies and public meetings, exhibitions and road shows.

Like any other profession, event management also has various categories that needs expertise, for example - Public relations, corporate, marketing, advertising, branding, film release, audio release, poster release, birthdays, weddings, pre-weddings, managing celebs/influencers, marriage anniversaries etc. It includes brand activation, sports management, experiential marketing, community events, religious events, entertainment programs and virtual events etc.

Let us discuss some important ones.

  1. Public Relations Events: They are mostly the events that target customers, stake holders, associates, media, investors and beneficiaries etc. It is mostly press conferences, product launches, company’s announcement of any diversification.  Event management plays a significant role in a company's ability to visualize events and follow through with their successful execution. As these events can influence public opinion and the public perception of the company and its business. Competent event managers are in demand across industries.
  2. Corporate events: A corporate organisation calls for a press conference when it has some announcement. Company’s every achievement or its performance in the entire year will go as a press release. Therefore, Annual General Body meeting of the company as an event needs better planning. Company invites it employees, stakeholders, investors and consumers and presents itself with the activities. It allows both the parties to engage in conversation regarding future plans.
  3. Marketing, Advertising and Branding: These events directly refer to products or services. It also attracts investors and partners who would like to join the band wagon of the product or services. Companies may want to associate with the well established brands. Success of the event is directly proportional to its marketing ideas. Hence these events will have to be attractive, creative, targeted and personal.
  4. Film Release, Audio release, Poster release: These are entertainment events meant for the movie-goers and funding associates. This kind of events focus on attracting people to go and watch a movie and help pooling some funds for the completion of the movie or help in releasing and also artist management. The first step in movie marketing process involves setting some realistic goals for the project. Knowing the goals will motivate promotion of the film and help decide what promotional and distribution opportunities are worth pursuing or ignoring. Need to find out where the fans hangout normally and have a few creative posters to attract them there.
  5. Marriages and Anniversaries etc: These are very private events that calls for a get-together of family members and friends. In this digital era such events are organised in large numbers where event management companies alone can handle. Event photographers take the centre-stage in collaborating different activities into a memory. They make out different plans within the event to make it more interesting for the clients to appreciate and enjoy. Event photography is a different business altogether.
  6. Events to manage Celebrities and Influencers: This is the new window for more opportunities in the market. Celebrities appoint their own PR managers to handle their appointments. Any promotional event that come to the celebrity, like appearing in public, for shop inauguration or participation in any function are taken care by these managers. So is the case of Influencers who acquire huge fan following and influence their followers to appreciate their work or activities. They organise exclusive events to promote themselves through social media.
  7. Experiential Marketing: When it comes to work events, trade shows, promotional campaigns, people are not totally impressed with the brands but also connect with experiencing them. It is also called engagement marketing event. It invites audience to interact with business, using participatory, hands-on, tangible branding material to accept what the business means in real words.
  8. Community Events: These days, gated communities celebrate common functions or important days together. They are, to name a few, New year celebration, Ganesh Chaturthi like festivals and occasions. A team of people take them up as important events and plan a big celebration with funds pooled up, inviting entertainment troops etc. Food and entertainment are outsourced. Communities based on caste, religion, region also organise events for themselves.
  9. Religious events: Some festivals are celebrated in public places engaging communities. Festival specific venue, resources and arrangements are organised. These events are organised by the concerned religious organisations and in some cases, state-sponsored events like Bathukamma, Ganesh Nimajjan where Governments directly get involved in the planning and executing.
  10. Sports Events: Cricket, football, hockey etc sports and games events are organised not only nationally but globally. Olympics and Asian games are organised for large gatherings and suitable facilities. These events are state-owned and country-owned where players are deputed for competitions. The expenses are owned by either the government or sponsors come forward to help it going. These events are hosted by the Sports or Game Associations concerned and sponsored by the Governments. Business establishments also lay their hands as sponsors and promoters.
  11. Virtual events: Webinars and online meetings are conducted by multinational companies who prefer connecting to their other offices easily without much of expenses of flying their employees to a common venue. Online education events also entered the market for those who choose to have continued education. In view of Covid-19 pandemic, the stage was set to allow everything to happen online, including examinations. These are called E events.  Several competitive exams are being conducted by outsourcing the work to 3rd party event managers.

From all these events we learn that marketing, branding and advertising are part of event management.

Principles of Event Management:

It should be kept in mind that a well organised event is the ticket to future businesses. Therefore, one must make it sure of certain things are ready before venturing into business. Hosting various types of events is a regular business practice for many organizations. Event management is a challenging job as it requires a range of skills and specialized knowledge. Learning about how event management works can help organizations to devote proper efforts and resources to it.

  1. Concept & Designing of the event: It is important to have a concept/theme for any event. This will lead the entire planning of event. It is like sowing the seed and enable the plants grow. Logo of the flagship company is the brand that consumers will relate to. Image of the company is recalled with help of the logo of the company. Similarly, image of the event also is recalled with its logo and concept. Along with this, the concept logo of the event will highlight its importance. Therefore, it is important to conceive the idea of the event, so that attractive design can be used in all communication and can be shared with the consumers. Core concept of the event is the differentiator from all other events.  An event concept is the comprehensive theme or idea that gives the event its unique identity. It sets the event apart from the competition. It can be used as the blueprint for all the planning decisions — from venue selection to marketing strategies; everything to be completed with the event concept in mind to create continuity. It means choosing the right venue for event’s vibe and ensuring that the marketing reflects the concept. A well-defined event concept and designing the communication accessories can simplify the planning process by providing a clear direction for all decisions.
  2. Analysis of Concept: Concept analysis technique focuses on events that are specified by customer. Five steps of concept analyse of an event management are – (1) coordination, (2) concept, (3) control, (4) culmination and (5) closeout. Once the customer/client mentions an event that is forth-coming needs management and an event manager – be it an individual or a company. It will focus on the purpose of the event, what is expected of the event, how to attract the audience, what is the budget allocated, how to manage that funds, where to invest the fund and whether it has yielded desired result, etc
  3. Logistics of concept: An event can be managed only if certain things are kept ready. A checklist of venue options, vendor options, flexibility of timings, accessibility of a different venue in case of any eventuality, stand-by power resumption, Plan-B option of site requirements, catering, tents, chairs and tables, onstage arrangements, vehicle parking facility, hospitality, ear-marked seating arrangements, a strong plan of procurements and implementation as the event suggests. One must also write the script for the event, make a workable concept for the event and draw a flow chart. Running or rehearsing the event flow number of times before it takes off is a must. End to end practice is very important to handle a smooth flow of events.

Event Planning:

An event is planned based on what the client wants and the budget. Once this is clear, approaching the client is easier. Flow of events depends on number of activities that will be staged on the day of event. From inviting the guests, introduction to the event and its concept, speakers note, activity of the day, like announcement/launch/inauguration and the like. The event flows till the guests leave the venue. Every activity is time based. Movement on stage is scheduled prior to the event. Some of the basics that an event planning is based on are -

  1. Client meeting: Approaching a client for business. First proposal from the event management company is to identify the client and meet to understand their requirement. Make a note of what event do they want, when they want, who are their list of invitees, purpose of the event and the budget. These initial details will help work out a road map to the proposed event. Think SMART is the mantra for good event organised. This acronym stands for (1) Specific, (2) Measurable, (3) Attainable, (4) Relevant and (5) Time-bound. This could be a great approach to successful event .
  2. Skills: Event Manager shall have the skill to grasp and understand the purpose and needs of the event. They must have communication and networking skills, must be computer savvy, must be able to use digital platform, must maintain good relationship with media and related references, flexibility, listening skills, organisational skills, ability to keep calm under pressure and most importantly the passion for work.
  3. Resources: Event Manager shall also have a consolidated data of resources that any event will need such as list of venues, list of vendors, list of media, list of manpower suiting the event, stage arrangements team including podium if required, mikes, lights etc., outdoor planners, creative team and last but not the least crisis management team. Sponsorship team is also a must.
  4. Research: Good research on latest happenings in the area, data and information can help in planning an event so that the creativity is not repeated. Market research is a part of event management. This will help understand the taste of people, wants and anticipation of client's customers. The event will earn better mileage/coverage if proper research is done and keep updating the data. So the event management companies must keep a track of the latest news and views on a daily basis. People are required to monitor print media and electronic media while one person is exclusively spared for digital platform. Every event needs to be customised based on requirements of the company.
  5. Requirements based on events: Whether the event is big or small, it means business and business it means money. So, the client will look for value for the money spent. Therefore, it calls for a meticulous planning from check-in to check-out.  

We can discuss an event here to understand the flow of event in order to understand its requirements.

Let us assume that a client wants to organise an event to influence its customers. This client desires to increase its customer base and intends a suitable event to launch. Let us imagine a health drink for children. First thing that comes to the mind is children up to the age group of say, 12 years. For this a research is necessary on what are the other health drinks in the market, their ingredients, study their reach in the market, pricing etc. Like meeting few random children in that age group, engaging them in a conversation to understand what do they expect from a health drink, whether the present drink gives them a satisfaction or not. Also finding out what more they expect from an another product etc. These are the basics of a market research. Compare those data with the client's product.

Go to the client and share the result of the research for them to understand where they stand in their product details. Now propose the ideas to organise the event along with budget. It is important to keep a planner, quality check machinery, ongoing event flow machinery, resources like vendors, media list, venue, podium, mikes, design of the backdrop, other infrastructure in place, seating, visitors parking etc details ready. After the event was over, have an overview of the event with the client. Keep the account of the expenses update and share with the client.

Fabrication and Audio-visual equipment: Every event needs an attractive background that can speak about the host organisation. Crafting a captivating design as backdrop is a creative job. Also plan some pavilions and stalls if needed. This is also called stage design. It involves both designers and engineers to collaborate and construct a stage. Audio visual requirements like LCD projector, sound systems, mikes etc are normally outsourced.

Sponsorships: Event management companies are sometimes expected to procure sponsorships. Huge events like cricket matches, sponsors automatically offer to share their chunk in order to earn good visibility to their products or services. The challenge is the spacing of their advertisements in a way that every few minutes they are watched by audiences.  It becomes an uphill task for the event managers to strike a deal with multiple sponsors for a single event that may be either a daylong event or organised for a few days.

Delegation of work and coordination:  In every organisation, there will be different departments or team people to handle different works. Event Management company is no exception. This too will have departments or teams to take care of creativity, planning, logistics, customer care, crisis management, vendors, sponsors etc. Apart from this, there will be a coordinator who will work hand-in-hand with departments internally and the client Organisation. This is a crucial job that needs supervising the teams work in progress and overseeing the ground work. This coordinator is responsible for the free flow of events. He will monitor the activities on the D-day and see that no lapse arises, if it may, then immediately see that it is attended. 


Event management is a specialised profession. It is a vertical of Public Relations. It has multiple sides of work to specialise in. People with creative and critical thinking capacity coupled with the ability to communicate with various people are needed to get the job done.  Event management is a domain where expertise needs to be imbibed naturally and then groomed with serious training and practice. Initially, anyone can join the event management company as apprentice and try to learn work of different departments. After spending some solid time in all departments for at least 5 years, one can start their own.

Event managers must be ready with the infrastructure required, man power, resources in hand before venturing into event management industry. Simultaneously, they must get accustomed to have good relationship with media, vendors, venue owners, tent suppliers, audio visual suppliers etc., All these comes with a passion for the work. 

Event management takes a broader view. It encompasses the planning phase but extends to the fulfilment, monitoring, closure of the event and feedback. An event planner or manager oversees the entire course of the event, ensuring that the vision becomes a reality. They manage units, handle unexpected business challenges, and ensure that the event aligns with the extensive business goals and objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  1. What is event management?
  2. What all goes into event planning?
  3. Is it important for event managers to source sponsorships?
  4. What are the qualities that an event manager possesses to get employed?
  5. What is the difference between a small scale and large-scale events?

Model Answers to FAQs

  1. Event Management is the process of planning and executing a set of programmes with meticulous resources in hand, based on client’s requirement. Events can be corporate programmes like conferences, seminars, employee activities, etc, OR recreation activities for children and adults, marriages, launch of audio releases, announcements of a movie release, promotional activities, baby shower, picnics, tours to name a few.
  2. Planning of any event depends on the clients’ intention or requirement, budget, concept, script, Manpower to the required event, logistics, creativity is some of the important things that a event planning needs. Based on all the above, putting things together becomes the job of coordinator.
  3. It is not mandatory to source sponsorships for all events by the event managers. There are events that organised by companies that spends the money. An approximate budget is given to the events management company to use in planning and executing the event. Huge events like sports events, rallies are funded by voluntary sponsors. Its in the hands of the event managers to choose client accordingly.
  4. The event management itself is a passionate work. Those who are creative, flexible, communicative, go-getter is suitable for the job. One must also have good relationships with media, vendors, investors. They should have networking capability too. Taking the pressure on behalf of the other colleagues will be an added advantage.
  5. Small scale events are the birthday parties, weddings, baby shower, community events etc. It requires planning for a small group of people. Large scale events are those involving public at large. These events are mostly state owned or sponsored or Country sponsored events where the image of the state or country depends. These events are normally public rallies, sports events or exhibitions.

Multiple Choice Questions


1.      Public Relations event is for influencing ______ _______.

a.       Direct sales

b.      Market segments

c.       Public perceptions

d.      Government departments


2.      Events are organised to catch the attention of _____ and _____ ____.

a.    Government and business houses

b.    Partners and fellow workers

c.    Clients and new customers

d.    Public and Target audience


3.      ________ cannot be an event for organising.

a.  Weekly market

b.    Marriage anniversary

c.    Product launch

d.    Birthday celebration


4.      An event is planned based on the needs of  ________

a.       Society

b.      Invitees

c.       Audience

d.      Client 

     5.   Market research is necessary before organising the _____.

a.    Market

b.    Event

c.    Business

d.    Sales 

Key to MCQs: 1. (c) 2. (d)  3. (a)  4. (d) 5. (b)



Brand Activation: The publicity machinery that are visible at the common areas at community, public places and malls. It is a kind of advertisements for the event to come or running. It is a campaign to brand awareness and to build lasting relationship with target audience.

Advertising: A technique and practice used to bring products, services, opinions to public notice to respond in a certain way. It is also a kind of Publicity a company may want to shoot for the consumers to know. It is a paid form.

Experiential Marketing events: It is also called engagement marketing. It allows the customer to connect with experience. It invites audience to interact with business, using participatory, hands-on, tangible branding material to accept that the business means in real words.

Flow of events: From inviting guests, introduction to the event and its concept, speakers note, activity of the day like announcement/launch/inauguration and the like. The event flows till the guests leave the venue. Every activity is time based. Movement on stage is scheduled prior to the event.

Sponsorships: An amount of money is expected from other avenues to meet the expenses for conducting an event. For larger events sponsorships comes on its own, whereas for smaller events the fund is collected from in house to conduct the event.

Skills: Talent required for any particular job. Ability to handle the work given that is required for the event. It includes communication and coordination.

Concept: Every event will have some theme or concept based on which the event is perceived. Concept depends on the purpose of the event.

Key words:

Events, advertising, branding, planning, creativity, budget, conferences, exhibitions, public relations, marketing



Academic Counsellor, Public Relations (since 1989)

AP Open University/Dr BR Ambedkar Open University

Editor, Public Relations Voice


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