
-------------------------Adjudged as the 'Best Blog' in 2010, by PRSI for "contributing to the development of PR literature"-------------------------

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

18: Blog






LESSON - 18: Blog



  1. Learn about blog.
  2. Understand the types and categories of blogs.
  3. Know the contents of a blog.
  4. Know the process of blog development.
  5. List the uses of blogs for PR people


Blog is a shortened form of ‘we blog’ or ‘web log’. It is an online platform where individuals and organizations share their thoughts, experiences, and expertise through written articles, images, and other media. Blogs often feature regular entries, commentaries, and analysis on a particular topic or niche, such as education, fashion, food, travel, technology etc. Blogs provide a space for self-expression and community-building, allowing readers to engage through comments and social sharing. Blogs can be personal, professional, or business-oriented, and are typically updated regularly to keep audiences informed and engaged. With the rise of social media and content marketing, blogs have become an essential tool for individuals and businesses to establish their online presence, showcase their expertise, and connect with their target audience.

Blogging as a form of online communication involves creating and publishing content on a website or platform designed for blog posts. Whether for personal or professional purposes, blogging has become a popular way to share ideas, tell stories, and build relationships online. Users can access blogs on a range of devices like desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. The App used on these devices is called a web browser. Like websites, blogs too are the vast sources of data and information. It is therefore inevitable for the professionals of all strata to look up to blogs for information and communication. Blogs can be created and maintained for individuals, a group, a business, or an organization on their own to serve a variety of purposes.

In this lesson we discuss about the blog, its origin and history, categories of blogs, types of blogs, blog development, usual contents of a blog, it’s use for PR and Corporate Communication professionals.

History & Evolution of Blog

The history of blogging dates back to the early 1990s, with the first blog-like platforms emerging on the internet. In 1991 Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, created a personal website for him that resembled a blog. In 1994 Justin Hall, a college student, started "Justin's Links from the Underground,"  which is considered as one of the first personal blogs. In 1997 Jorn Barger coined the term "weblog" to describe his online journal. In 1998 ‘OpenDiary’ was launched, allowing users to create and share online diaries. In 1999, ‘Blogger’ now owned by Google was founded, making it easy for anyone to create and host a blog. In 2000s blogging became mainstream, with the rise of platforms like WordPress, TypePad, and MovableType. In 2003, the term "blog" became widely adopted, and the blogging community expanded rapidly. In 2004 political blogs gained prominence, influencing public discourses and election campaigns. In 2005 video blogging that is vlogging emerged, with the launch of YouTube. By 2010 social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram integrated blogging features, blurring the lines between traditional blogging and social media.

  1. After 2010, blogging continued to evolve with advancements in technology, changes in user behavior, and the rise of new platforms. Here are some key developments:
  2. 2010-2012 saw the rise of mobile blogging. With smartphone adoption, blogging became more accessible and mobile-friendly.
  3. Between 2011-2013 there was an increased focus on content marketing and businesses started using blogs as a key content marketing strategy.
  4. 2012-2014 saw the domination of visual content in blogs. Images, videos, and infographics became essential elements of blog posts.
  5. Between 2012-15 with social media integration blogs began to integrate social sharing buttons, and social media platforms added blogging features.
  6. Niche blogging emerged in 2013-2015. By these bloggers focused on specific niches, like fashion, food, or travel, to stand out.
  7. Podcasting and video blogging grew in the years 2014 to 2016: Audio and video content gained popularity, with many bloggers creating podcasts and vlogs.
  8. Influencer marketing rose in 2015-2017 and brands partnered with influential bloggers to reach targeted audiences.
  9. SEO and algorithm got updated during the same period. Google's algorithm changes have emphasized quality content, mobile-friendliness, and user experience.
  10. Simultaneously Medium and LinkedIn Pulse have risen. By these new platforms emerged, offering alternative blogging options.
  11. Increased focus was made in 2017-2019 on user experience whereby bloggers prioritized user-friendly design, page speed, and engagement.
  12. AI-powered content tools emerged between 2018-2020. Artificial intelligence began to assist with content creation, optimization, and analysis.

From 2019 till today the stress is on sustainability and authenticity. Because of this, there is emphasis on transparency, sustainability, and authentic storytelling. All these developments reflect the dynamic nature of blogging, as it adapts to technological advancements, user preferences, and the evolving online landscape.

Website and Blog:

A website and a blog are both online platforms, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics:

Though there are two categories namely static and dynamic websites, when compared with blog, a website is a static platform showcasing information about a business, organization, or individual. Website typically includes pages like Home, About, Services, Contact, etc. Content of website is often more formal and less frequently updated. Primary purpose of a website is to provide information, promote products, services, ideas and establish an online presence. Website can include e-commerce functionality, portfolios, and more.

On the other hand, Blog is a dynamic platform focused on publishing regular articles, posts, or entries. Content of Blog is often more informal, conversational, and frequently updated. The important purpose is to share knowledge, expertise, experiences, and opinions. Blog encourages engagement through comments, social sharing, and subscriptions. Blog can be a standalone platform or integrated into a website.

The key differences between website and blog lie in their purpose, content, style, updating frequency and interactivity. Broadly, website is informational and promotional while blog is educational and engaging. Website is more formal while Bog is informal and conversational. When it is the question of updating frequency, website is less often updated but blog is updated quite frequently. In terms of interactivity website is less interactive but blog is more interactive.

Many websites now incorporate blogs to share fresh content, attract return visitors, and build a community. Conversely, some blogs evolve into full-fledged websites with additional features and functionality.

Categories & Types of Blogs

There are various types and categories of blogs and some of them are -

1. Personal blogs which contain individual musings, thoughts, reflections, and experiences.

2. Niche blogs that focus on specific topics, such as fashion, food, travel, technology, gaming etc

3. Professional blogs which contain industry insights, expertise, and thought leadership covering business, finance, marketing, healthcare etc

4. News and current events blogs with analysis and commentary on news and trends.

5. Educational blogs providing learning resources, tutorials, and how-to guides.

6. Entertainment blogs that highlight pop culture, movies, music, and celebrity news.

7. Lifestyle blogs for wellness, self-improvement, and personal development.

8. Travel blogs offer destination guides, cultural experiences, and travel tips.

9. Food blogs provide recipes, cooking techniques, and restaurant reviews.

10. Photography blogs that showcase photography work, techniques, and gear.

11. Business blogs for entrepreneurship, start-up stories, and company news.

12. Sports blogs with analysis, news, and commentary on various sports.

13. Art and design blogs with creative showcases, inspiration, and design trends.

14. Spirituality and faith blogs reflect on spirituality, faith, and personal growth.

15. Humor and satire blogs offer comedy, satire, and humorous commentary.

16. Vlogs i.e. Video blogs provide video-based content, often personal or niche-focused.

17. Podcast blog with audio-based content, often with a blog or accompanying transcript.

18. Microblog with brief, frequent posts, often on social media platforms.

19. Affiliate blog that contain product reviews and recommendations with affiliate links.

20. Review blog to review product, service, or experience.

21. Tutorial blog providing step-by-step guides and instructional content.

22. Interview blog that covers conversations with experts, thought leaders, or interesting individuals.

23. Curated blog that collect and showcase the content from other sources.

24. Hybrid blog that combines different blog types, such as video and written content.

25. Live blog with real-time updates and commentary on events or situations.

26. Static blog that gets updated occasionally or having archived content.

27. Dynamic blog with frequently updated content, often with user engagement.

28. Private blog with restricted access, often for personal or internal use.

29. Public blog which has open access and available to anyone.

These types and categories help understand the diversity of blogs and find a niche or inspiration. It should be noted that many blogs can fit into multiple categories, and new categories emerge as blogging itself evolves.

Static & Dynamic blog

Just as websites, there are two kinds of blogs. They are static and dynamic. The main difference between a static blog and a dynamic blog is how the content is managed, updated, and interacted with:

Static Blog:

1.      Infrequent updates: Content is updated rarely or not at all.

2.      Fixed content: Articles or pages remain unchanged once published.

3.      No user interaction: Readers can't comment, engage, or contribute.

4.      Simple design: Basic layout, minimal features, and no advanced functionality.

5.      Archival purpose: Often used for historical or reference purposes.

Dynamic Blog:

1.      Frequent updates: Content is regularly added, edited, or updated.

2.      Interactive content: Readers can comment, engage, and contribute.

3.      User-generated content: Allows readers to submit content, like guest posts.

4.      Advanced features: Includes features like search, categories, tags, and social sharing.

5.      Engaging community: Encourages discussion, feedback, and interaction.

Thus, static blogs are like digital archives, with minimal updates and no interaction whereas dynamic blogs are like living platforms, with frequent updates, engagement, and community building.

One can choose a static blog for archiving historical content, simple information sharing and for basic portfolios. Dynamic blog can be chosen for regularly sharing new ideas or expertise, for building a community or discussion and for showcasing interactive content

It should be kept in mind that most modern blogs are dynamic, using platforms like WordPress, Blogger or Medium, which offer features that encourage interaction and frequent updates.

Blog Contents

The usual contents of a blog can vary depending on the blog's niche, purpose, and target audience. However, here are some common contents found in many blogs:

  1. Articles like in-depth writings on specific topics, often including personal stories, industry insights, how-to guides, product reviews and opinion pieces
  2. Posts that are shorter, more frequent updates, such as news summaries, quick tips, personal updates and behind-the-scenes stories.
  3. Images like photos, illustrations, or graphics that enhance article content, showcase products or services and add visual interest.
  4. Videos that are embedded videos that explain complex topics, showcase products or services, offer tutorials or how-to guides and provide entertainment.
  5. Infographics for visual representations of information, such as statistics, tips, how-to guides and industry trends.
  6. Podcasts. It means audio content that discusses topics in-depth, interviews experts and offers news updates.
  7. Links or references to other relevant content, such as sources cited in articles, recommended reading and related products or services.
  8. Comments in the form of reader feedback and engagement, including discussions, questions and opinions.
  9. Categories and tags and other organization tools that help readers find related content.
  10. Author bio and About pages giving information about the blog's author and purpose.
  11. Contact information that provides for readers to get in touch, such as email, social media, or contact forms.
  12. Subscription options giving opportunities for readers to follow the blog, such as RSS feeds or email newsletters.

It should be kept in mind that not all blogs will have all of these contents. Some may have additional features that suit their specific needs and goals.

Blog Identity

Blog identity refers to the unique characteristics, tone, and personality of a blog that sets it apart from others and resonates with its target audience. It encompasses various elements, including:

  1. Tone: Formal, informal, humorous, serious, or conversational.
  2. Voice: The unique perspective, language, and style of the blogger.
  3. Visual branding: Logo, color scheme, typography, and imagery.
  4. Content style: Format, structure, and types of posts e.g., tutorials, reviews, personal stories.
  5. Personality: The blogger's values, passions, and expertise.
  6. Target audience: The specific group of readers the blog caters to.
  7. Unique selling proposition (USP): What sets the blog apart from others in its niche.
  8. Consistency: Regular posting schedule, tone, and quality.
  9. Engagement: Interaction with readers through comments, social media, or email.
  10. Authenticity: Genuine, transparent, and honest content.

Establishing a strong blog identity helps attract and retain loyal audiences, differentiate blog from others, build trust and credibility, create a memorable brand and guide content creation and marketing efforts. Therefore, blog identity should be authentic, consistent, and aligned with the goals and target audience.

Blog Extension

".com" is a top-level domain (TLD) that indicates a commercial website or blog. Using a ".com" domain can contribute to a blog's extension in several ways:

  1. Professionalism: ".com" is a well-established and widely recognized TLD, conveying a sense of professionalism and credibility.
  2. Memorability: ".com" is easy to remember and type, making it simpler for readers to find and revisit the blog.
  3. Brandability: ".com" domain can be an essential part of a blog's brand identity, making it more recognizable and distinctive.
  4. Global reach: ".com" is a global TLD, allowing the blog to reach a broader audience and appear more international.

However, it is important to note that other TLDs, such as ".net", ".io", “.blog", or country-specific extensions can also be effective choices depending on blog's specific needs and target audience.

Country-specific extensions, also known as country-code top-level domains - ccTLDs, are domain extensions that are specific to a particular country or region. Here are some examples of country-specific extensions for blogs:

1. .us (United States)

2. .ca (Canada)

3. .uk (United Kingdom)

4. .au (Australia)

5. .fr (France)

6. .in (India)

7. .br (Brazil)

8. .eu (European Union)

9. .nz (New Zealand)

Using a country-specific extension can be beneficial for blogs that target a specific geographic audience, that want to establish a local presence, that need to comply with local regulations or laws, that want to differentiate themselves from global competitors.

Blog development:

Blog development involves several steps that help create and maintain a successful blog. Here is a comprehensive overview of the blog development process in six phases like planning, set up, content creation, design and user experience, promotion and marketing, maintenance and updates.

  1. Planning involves defining blog's niche and purpose; identifying target audience; conducting market research; analyzing competitors, determining unique selling proposition; creating a content strategy and editorial calendar.
  2. Setting up involves choosing a blogging platform eg WordPress, Blogger, Medium etc; registering a domain name and securing web hosting; installing necessary plugins and themes; setting up analytics and tacking tools and configuring social media integration.
  3. Content creation means developing a content creation schedule; writing and publishing high quality engaging posts; optimizing posts for search engine optimization; using multimedia content like images, videos and podcasts and encouraging guest blogging and collaborations.
  4. Design and user experience involves design a visually appealing and responsive theme; creating a consistent brand identity; ensuring easy navigation and user-friendly interface; optimizing for mobile devises and conducting user testing and gathering feedback.
  5. Promotion and marketing means developing a social media marketing strategy; engaging with readers through comments and email; collaborating with influencers and other bloggers; utilizing email marketing and newsletters and running contests, giveaways or other promotional activities.
  6. Maintenance and Updates requiring regularly updating the content and software; monitoring analytics and adjusting strategy; fixing technical issues and ensuring uptime; continuously improving user experience and staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

By following these phases and processes, one can develop a successful blog that attracts and retains a loyal audience.

Registration of Blog

Registering a blog with a domain registrar is not strictly necessary, but it is highly recommended. Let us have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of registering a domain.

The advantages of registering a blog are (1) A registered blog that is a custom domain e.g., looks more professional than a subdomain e.g., xyz. link unavailable. (2) A registered domain helps establish the brand identity and makes the blog more recognizable. (3) A custom domain can increase a blog's credibility and trustworthiness. (4) With a registered domain, with flexibility one can switch web hosts or blogging platforms without changing the domain and (5) Search engines may favor custom domains over subdomains and help in optimization.

The disadvantages of not registering a blog are (1) Without a registered domain, there will be limited control over blog's URL and branding. (2) Subdomains may have restrictions on customization, monetization, or SEO and (3) With dependence on the platform a blog’s existence is tied to the blogging platform, which may change its terms or shut down.

The next question that crops up is, when to register a domain? The answer is that a blog needs to be registered if the blogger is committed to blogging long-term, register a domain, if blog represents the business or professional brand, register a domain if blog attracts significant traffic and register a domain to maintain control and flexibility

Blog registrars:

Popular domain registrars include GoDaddy, NameCheap, Google Domains, Cloudflare Registrar and ICANN-accredited registrars.

It must be remembered that registering a domain is a simple process, and most registrars offer affordable options. If unsure, it is better to start with a subdomain first and upgrade to a custom domain later.

Benefits of blogging:

Blogging offers numerous benefits.

  1. It establishes authority and expertise: Demonstrates knowledge and thought leadership in the niche.
  2. It improves writing and communication skills: Regular writing helps refine writing style and voice.
  3. It boosts search engine optimization (SEO): Search engines favor regularly updated blogs with quality content.
  4. It increases online presence and visibility: Expands online footprint and reach.
  5. It supports content marketing strategy: Provides valuable content for social media, email newsletters, and other channels.
  6. It generates leads and drives the sales: Attracts potential customers and drives conversions.
  7. It fosters community engagement: Encourages comments, discussions, and relationships with readers.
  8. It enhances personal and professional development: Helps in staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.
  9. It provides a creative outlet: Allows for self-expression and creativity.
  10. It can generate passive income through advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.
  11. It improves networking opportunities: Connects like-minded individuals and industry professionals.
  12. It supports personal branding: Establishes unique voice and perspective.
  13. It helps with research and learning: Forces to research and learn new topics.
  14. It enhances critical thinking and problem-solving: It means it encourages critical thinking and problem-solving.
  15. It can lead to new opportunities: Opens doors to new career paths, speaking engagements, and business opportunities.

It must be kept in mind that blogging requires consistency, effort, and patience. Focus on providing value to the audience will definitely reap the benefits.

Blog for PR and CorpCom:

Blogs can be a valuable tool for Public Relations and Corporate Communication professionals to share company news and updates, to establish thought leadership, to build brand awareness, to engage with stakeholders, for crisis communications, for reputation management, for content marketing, for practicing media relations, for employee communications and for executive visibility.

Benefits of blogging for PR and CorpCom are increased online presence, improved search engine optimization, enhanced credibility, better stakeholder engagement, faster crisis communications, more effective reputation management, cost-effective content marketing, increased media coverage, improved employee advocacy and strong visibility.

Best practices for PR and CorpCom in blogging would be to define the target audience, create high-quality, engaging content, use clear, concise language, optimize for SEO, use social media promotion, encourage engagement, monitor and measure performance, keep content up-to-date and fresh, ensure consistency, comply with company policies and regulations.

By incorporating blogging into the communication strategies, Public Relations and Corporate Communication professionals can effectively communicate with stakeholders, build brand awareness, and establish thought leadership.


A blog is an online platform where individuals or organizations share information, ideas, and expertise through written content, images, videos, and other media.

Blogs can serve various purposes, such as 

  1. Sharing personal experiences and thoughts
  2. Establishing thought leadership and expertise
  3. Building brand awareness and marketing
  4. Engaging with audiences and communities
  5. Providing education and training

Blogs offer benefits like:

  1. Increased online presence and visibility
  2. Improved search engine optimization (SEO)
  3. Enhanced credibility and trust
  4. Cost-effective content marketing
  5. Opportunities for engagement and feedback

To create a successful blog, it is essential to:

  1. Define the target audience and purpose
  2. Produce high-quality, engaging content
  3. Use clear language and optimize for SEO
  4. Promote the blog through social media and other channels
  5. Encourage engagement and measure performance

By following best practices and consistently creating valuable content, blogs can become a powerful tool for individuals and organizations especially Public Relations practitioners and Corporate Communication professionals to connect with others, share ideas, and achieve their goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.        What is a blog in simple terms?

2.        Explain the difference between website and blog.

3.        List out some types and categories of blogs?

4.        What are the usual contents of a blog?

5.        How a blog is useful for PR and CorpCom people?

Model Answers to FAQs

  1. Blog is a shortened form of ‘we blog’ or ‘web log’. It is an online platform where individuals or organizations share their thoughts, experiences, and expertise through written articles, images, and other media. Blogs often feature regular entries, commentary, and analysis on a particular topic or niche, such as education, fashion, food, travel, or technology. They provide a space for self-expression, education, and community-building, allowing readers to engage through comments and social sharing. Blogs can be personal, professional, or business-oriented, and are typically updated regularly to keep audiences informed and engaged. With the rise of social media and content marketing, blogs have become an essential tool for individuals and businesses to establish their online presence, showcase their expertise, and connect with their target audience.
  2. Websites and Blogs are both online platforms, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Website is a static platform showcasing information about a business, organization, or individual. It typically includes pages like Home, About, Services, Contact, etc. Content of website is often more formal and less frequently updated. Primary purpose of a website is to provide information, promote products/services, and establish an online presence. Website can include e-commerce functionality, portfolios, and more. Blog is a dynamic platform focused on publishing regular articles, posts, or entries. Content of Blog is often more informal, conversational, and frequently updated. The important purpose is to share knowledge, expertise, experiences, and opinions. Blog encourages engagement through comments, social sharing, and subscriptions. Blog can be a standalone platform or integrated into a website.
  3. There are various types and categories of blogs. They are personal blogs, professional blogs, News blogs, educational blogs, entertainment blogs, lifestyle blogs, travel blogs, food blogs, photography blogs, business blogs, marketing blogs, promotional blogs, sports blogs, Art blogs, Science blogs, spirituality and faith blogs, humour blogs, vlogs i.e. video blogs, podcast blogs, microblogs, affiliate blogs, review blogs, tutorial blogs, interview blogs, curated blogs, hybrid blogs, live blogs, static blogs, dynamic blogs, official blogs, private blogs, public blogs. These types and categories help understand the diversity of blogs and find a niche or inspiration. It should be noted that many blogs can fit into multiple categories, and new categories emerge as blogging evolves.
  4. The common contents found in many blogs are (1) in-depth writings on specific topics, often including personal stories, industry insights, how-to guides, product reviews and opinion pieces (2) Posts that are shorter, more frequent updates, such as news summaries, quick tips, personal updates and behind-the-scenes stories (3) Images means photos, illustrations, or graphics that enhance article content, showcase products or services and add visual interest (4) Embedded videos that explain complex topics, showcase products or services, offer tutorials or how-to guides and provide entertainment. In addition to these there can be infographics, podcasts, links, comments, tags, author bio and About page, contact information, subscription options. It should be kept in mind that not all blogs will have all of these contents. Some may have additional features that suit their specific needs and goals.
  5. A blog is a powerful tool for public relations, helping to build reputation, manage crises, and foster effective communication with stakeholders. It matters only when the website is attractive, well designed, intuitive, and engaging. A well laid out, accessible, and functioning website can play a key role. There are 5 ways to make a blog the best PR and corporate communication tool. It increases visibility, expand audience, provide shareable content, provide visual storytelling and analyse important data.  A blog can indeed be a medium of communication for PR efforts and for corporate communication. Blog can be used for PR and CorpCom exercises like a media center, for news updates, for crisis communication, brand storytelling, social media integration etc.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.      Blog was first created by _____________.

a.       Guglielmo Marconi

b.      Tim Berners Lee

c.       John L Bairde

d.      Nicola Tesla


2.      Blogging is a form of _______ communication.

a.       Offline

b.      Hybrid

c.       Virtual

d.      Online


3.      Registering a blog with a domain registrar is ____________.

a.   Necessary

b.      Compulsory

c.       Recommended

d.      Unnecessary


4.      Domain Registrar is accredited with ___________ .

a.       ICANN

b.      UNO

c.       UNICEF

d.      ICJ


5.      Blog is a medium of __________ for PR and CorpCom people.

a.       Education

b.      Entertainment

c.       Communication

d.      Information

Key to MCQs: 1. (b) 2. (d)  3. (c)  4. (a) 5. (c)


Blog: A blog or in other words weblog is an online platform where individuals or organizations share information, ideas, and expertise through regular articles, posts, or entries, often with the goal of engaging with readers, building community, and establishing thought leadership.

Niche:  It refers to a slot, a specialized or targeted area of interest, expertise, or market. It is a specific segment or subset of a larger audience, industry, or category.

ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. It is a non-profit organisation responsible for coordinating and maintaining the global domain name systems.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization. It is a practice of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by ranking higher in search engine results pages for specific keywords or phrases.  

RSS: Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. It is a web feed format that allows users to access updates from their favorite websites, blogs or news sources in a standardized and automated way.

TLD: Top Level Domain. It is the highest level of domain names in the Domain Name System hierarchy. It is the last part of a domain name following the dot e.g. .com, .org, .net etc

USP: Unique Selling Proposition or Unique Selling Point. It refers to the distinct benefit or advantage that a product, service or brand offers to customers, setting it apart from competitors.

Development of blog: It involves several stages from planning, designing, content creation, registration of domain name and etc.

Static blog: A type of blog that contains fixed content and stored as certain files. This does not change dynamically but static.

Dynamic blog: A type of blog that generates content in real-time, interacting with users and updating its content based on their input, preferences or actions.   

Key words: Internet, Weblog, Blog, Domain, Web Server, Home Page, Hyperlink, Static, Dynamic, HTTP, SEO, RSS


Editor, Public Relations Voice

Academic Counsellor, Public Relations (since 1989)

AP Open University/Dr BR Ambedkar Open University



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